Built For Greed

The left one has a… a Ruth Gordon-slash-Henry Gibson thing going on there.

Maybe try a wormhole?

Immediately better than any of the Expendables movies.

Look, I'm glad Don found peace and all, but my one big takeaway from this finale? STAN AND PEGGY, FINALLY, WOOOT!!

You've Earned A Reprieve, Internet.

Yeah, I'm calling fuckery on this article. Every metalhead loves Dio. At least every metalhead I know, which is quite a few.

I'm not a Brady fan, and in fact I hate the Pats unless they're playing one of the few teams I loathe more (such as the Seahawks), but I have to agree with Teti. This was about Goodell trying to cover his ass, nothing more. Brady might have known; he might not have known (okay, he probably knew). But it for damn sure

You know, if nothing else good came from this movie, that DVD commentary would still be worth every minute. I miss that short-lived era of really great commentary tracks. "Hey, I'm doing ADR!"

The line is actually "She's fucking DEAD?!" What I'm saying is, the last 20 years of your life have all been a lie.

Kill Yourself, Internet. (Just leave all the porn on your way out.)

Ugh, the show that won't die. I hated it then, I hate it now, and I find the current level of attention paid to it—ironic or otherwise—really fucking baffling.

"Larwence" Kasdan? Directed by Steven "Speilberg"?! Wow, what a piece of shit, it's like they didn't even try. 0/10

Well, Louie made him not-dead again, just like he made his wife black between seasons. If the actor makes the show better, then he says screw it.

From loving Vader to playing Bader… Ginsburg… something, I don't know, fuck it.

She does, but I fail to see what her miniature alcoholic donkey has to do with this.

Still waiting for that Uncle Buck/Kill Bill crossover:
"My name is Buck, and I'm here to—"
"Get away from my children, you creep!"

Guess nobody else dug the little Midnight Run reference, with Charles Grodin saying "ya-he" to Jane. I had a nice chuckle.


I read Boston, but in my head I heard Schwarzenegger.

Darn. And here I thought it was just Ready To Start.