Built For Greed

Thank you! I thought I was going nuts; everyone seems to think this character is hilarious, I just don't see it.

You're a fucking idiot. Unless you're a troll, in which case, good work, you fucking idiot.

It's funny, as I was watching last night, I actually had the thought, "This is easily the best episode of the season so far and it probably won't get more than a B."

Had me at "word-drawed".

O"Neal (breathing heavily): You merely adopted the darkness, Sam. Me? I was born in it!


Between this and the RTJ Steven Seagal interview, I think I've got a hernia.

I disliked the first Avatar, I do not plan to see the sequels and I think James Cameron is a douche, but by God, that quote is hilarious.

Zipperhead is a racial slur for Asians. I know that because thanks, Grandpop.


What about Terry Kiser—oh, for fuck's sake, somebody get Jonathan Silverman or Andrew McCarthy to raise Kiser's hand.

Breakfast of champions.

I've watched that video twice… I still have no idea what he said.

♫Created a giant moth…♫

♫Met a Wampa on Hoth…♫

♫They'll climb a tree like a sloth…♫

♫They'll spoil the broth…♫

We tried to be a decent production company, in an indecent time!

Hmm… nope, still not funny. Ah well, there's always next week.

The Millennium Falcon. Just…the whole thing.