Built For Greed

I so want this show to be good. The inevitable Season 2 retooling can't come fast enough.

This Newswire made me laugh out loud.

Yeah… that does remind me, we haven't had a good weirdo actor in a while. Joaquin Phoenix is a close one. Oh, I know Johnny Depp tries (incredibly hard), but it's just not the same.

Of all the things you could Rifftrax, you pick the one property that is basically snark-proof.

Best. Photoshop. Ever.

(on phone) "This is Agent Johnson… no, the other one."

Best bit of the interview, I was dying.

Great interview. I wish he'd shared a story about working on Smallville, I remember his turn as the pyrokinetic football coach making for a memorable episode.

Well, if this was an Alien reboot and O'Neal failed to mention Ms. Weaver (and that would be weird), I could see your point. But while she did enhance the character by bringing her own sophisticated intelligence and sexiness to it, her role in the Ghostbusters movies was very much that of "The Girl", there to be put

Again, we already had a Ghostbusters 3. It was the video game, and it was pretty good, all things considered.

We're becoming one!

It was a Ryan Gosling weekend around the Greed household. Friday night, I got to pick the movie for date night after I gallantly suffered through Pompoko the previous week, so I decided to take revenge and select Drive, which she does not like at all.

If you're a person that cares about canon vs non-canon in movies, you probably need to take a look at yourself and reassess your priorities in life are probably on exactly the right website.

Poing should definitely be a real word. It just feels so much more appropriate for a back and forth argument.

I Don't Know How To Set The Controls For The Heart of The Sun, I'll Just Have My Kids Do It

Simply put, she was one of the best to ever to grace the SNL stage. She was certainly my favorite female SNL alum of all time (yes, even more than Tina). I was only a little kid when she made her debut on the show, but luckily my parents were liberal enough to let me stay up and watch every Saturday. This may seem

Please don't help us.

Hey, look up there, everybody, a couple of morons are talking!

The casting had better be perfect, and I mean perfect. But the odds are pretty good Melissa McCarthy will be in this, so… I'm out. Yeah, I—I think I'm out.

The most absurdly stupid thing that made me cry was the end of Nacho Libre. I don't remember what was going on in my life at the time, I don't remember what happened that particular day I watched it, but it must've been pretty bad, whatever it was.