Built For Greed

And then later on, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston can do a parody together of said scene on something like The Graham Norton Show.

"NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION. Why I hate it and you should too."

So now I'm at the age where people are starting not to like all the things I grew up liking.

Keeping it vague, I was named after both a shitty television show and a shitty actor who was only in two or three good movies. They both suck and I hate them for eternity.

Y'all some unappreciative bastards, I would love to see this happen. I've never really been happy with Kirk's last onscreen appearance being fucking Generations.

For some strange reason, my masochistic tendencies asserted themselves and I re-watched the prequels with my kids. Surprisingly, I did not have a terrible time; I just laughed my way through The Phantom Menace and muscled past the bad parts of Attack Of The Clones. Everything that was terrible—Jar Jar, most of the

He's got kind of a young-L.Q.-Jones-by-way-of-Lukas-Haas thing going on.

The quality of television programming these days is on par with film, if not better; this has been known for a while. Where the difference lies is in the experience of viewing. When the movie experience is good—in a dark theater with a big eye-filling screen and a crowd of fellow filmgoers who are all communing with

"Digital Witness" is my jawn. In a just world, that song would be a massive hit.

This was a pretty decent movie weekend. Caught up on The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Don Jon. Both very ingratiating, both very well made (Don Jon for a minuscule fraction of THG:CF), both without much going under beyond the surface.

So… people actually do watch this show. Hunh.

Lorne can only get off with a dominatrix?

Queen II is less essential than Queen?? You fool!

I think his last words were, "Hey… at least my grandson…might be pretty cool…" *dies*

Not hitting those "r"s hard enough to really sound like Hank, but pretty good nonetheless. Still think they should have gotten an American to play him, though, as much as I love Tom Hiddleston.

Outside of football, I've been rewatching Mad Men with wifey to get her caught up (we're currently on season 3). I had forgotten how ham-fisted the early seasons could be at times; some of the scenes with Hollis have all the subtlety of a jackhammer. Also, goddamn, I had forgotten how much I once loved Betty, before

@Erik Adams I was 11 when my mother took me to see Pulp Fiction in 1994. Yes, you would have loved it.

Simpsons. Mainly Simpsons. A little preseason football, watched The Street Fighter on Saturday afternoon, but yep, mainly The Simpsons, if only so I can finally understand what the hell y'all are talking about half the time.

Ooh, ooh! Do Ice Pirates next!

I did (and usually do) read the comments. Again, I didn't *come here* for anything. I saw an interesting article, clicked it, read it, commented on it. There's no mystery here. Your assumption that I have some sort of agenda here is kind of laughable.