Built For Greed

If I might paraphrase Fletcher Reede here, this guy is "an obnoxious, pontificating, pretentious bastard, a belligerent old fart, a worthless, steaming pile of cow dung…figuratively speaking."

Hey now, I agree with your main point, but why's it gotta be appreciation for one or the other? I greatly appreciate Jim Carrey's performances in edgier roles, but sometimes I just want to laugh at a goofy pet detective talking out of his asshole. And he can do both, that's why he's great.

That article seems weirdly mean-spirited. I'm one of those sick bastards who can laugh at tragedy, but the tone has to be just right. That just read like some hack staffer with an axe to grind against Weird Al.

The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers. The movies were long enough, but I think I'll still be getting through these bonus features when my grandchildren are born.

I think it's bit unfair to say Hugh Jackman was "phoning it in" in X-Men: DOFP. He looked, to me, clearly enthused to be working with both the old and new casts, and he's finally got the performance of Wolverine down to a science: 1) be very gruff; 2) no more weeping.

Ah, yes, the other Dr. J.

And then, like most group activities you engage in while drunk with your friends, you will regret it later on.

I'm just gonna go find a cash machine.

"Stay cool!"

Only Keaton seemed to have any actual aptitude for science (West had magic Bat-science).

Elisabeth Shue in The Saint. That movie had other problems, but by God, when she started rambling about "giving fusion to the world", I wanted to punch myself in the head until sweet oblivion took me.

At least I could buy Rourke as a badass. Eccleston just looked like Annie Lennox with contact lenses and a bodysuit.

I drive nearly 70 miles to get to the nearest White Castle. I've done this numerous times. I regret nothing, do you hear? NOTHING.

"Only for UK/Ireland applicants"? What the shit?

I feel the season season could've used a bit more seasoning.

"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

The first Star Trek is boring but it has some good character stuff. It seems like everybody in it forgot how to have fun. Persis Khambatta was hot as ever. I watch it out of nostalgia sometimes, but mainly because I'm a completist; if I'm watching some films in a series, I'm one of those poor nerds that feels like I…

Sat with my kids and watched some ST:TOS Season 2 episodes, "A Piece of the Action" and "The Immunity Syndrome", and then we watched A Fistful of Dollars. I thought they wouldn't go for watching those, but they really enjoyed them (I think my daughter has a slight crush on Spock.)

Yeah, the only time I've ever heard anything in a movie even close to what an actual "Philly" accent sounds like is in Diner, weirdly enough. (I'm thinking specifically of Michael Tucker, the older guy who looks out for Mickey Rourke's character.) True, Baltimore has its own distinct accent, but it's close.

I think of it as Brooklyn with traces elements of Philly in there. There are guys who talk like that in South Philly, although Rocky is supposed to be from Kensington. Those movies are severely messed up, geographically speaking.