Built For Greed

By no means do I speak for everybody in town, but most of the people I know view Rocky as kind of like the Liberty Bell at this point: it's world-famous, it's nice for tourism, but if you're from here you don't really appreciate or think about it as often as people from other places assume. (For context, I've been to

Philly here as well. In addition to the films Ms. Eichel mentioned, let me add that I am always suitably impressed whenever I watch 12 Monkeys that we get to be the setting for a dystopian future (even if it looks like we are already in one here at times).

Semi-serious question: does anybody here remember Bosnia? That shit kind of sucked.


Oh, and thank you forever for "Across 110th Street" and "A Woman's Gotta Have It".

RIP, brother. Say hi to Sam.

Trebek always reminds me of my father with his blunt "that's wrong" and the more subtly dickish "no, sorry, not quite". Probably why I love/hate watching Jeopardy.

3+ hours a day make you die earlier? Judging by the amount of TV I watch, technically I was never born.

Jailhouse Rock. King Creole. Flaming Star.

Franco's bone is anything but sad. At least, that's what my love pillow Michii told me; her and Kumiko are close. Lots of…cushion chatter.

I hope the apocalypse comes soon so I can shoot a video for "Five Years" in a burned-out wasteland. I expect YouTube will survive long enough for me to post it.

Woo-hoo! Finally, Howard the Duck will receive the artistic appreciation it deserves!

Had to do some thinking on that one. 10/10, would interpret metaphor again.

This was more of a "catch up on long unwatched and unplayed stuff" type of weekend. Finished Band of Brothers, had never seen it before; terrific series. I finally get the appeal of Damian Lewis. Also, apparently every actor who's become famous in the last decade is in this fucker.

Let's not forget Bobby's World, which—for all intents and purposes—might as well have been the Li'l Howie Mandel Show.

Okay, what's with all the Japanese video suggestions though?

Funny, I always thought that logo was cool as shit. I guess I'm the odd one here.

Actually, Muppet Babies was where I first learned about Star Wars, so thank you forever.

He wrote the original draft, the one which was before Lindelof and Ridley Scott mucked it all up. It's a good read, way better than what ended up in the theater. I am cautiously optimistic.

"Me am no like Cracker Jim. Him is no my worst enemy in the world."