Built For Greed

Yeah, that sounds legit. Not like he's ever had to manage a large-scale production before with lots of crazy effects. Nope, CGI-enhanced action comedy does not sound like Edgar Wright's m.o. at all. He's more of a period drama guy.

Welp, so much for that. Bring on a Pilgrim sequel!

NBC = No Better Channels

I took my flesh family… outside (gasp!) on both days this weekend (whoa!) to do non-pop-culture-related things (ew!) And what's worse is, I… enjoyed it. I even went to a museum, for fuck's sake!

That is one terrific username.

<sigh> Well… to the Dreamatorium, where Community is always renewed, Chuck Lorre is banned from television, the castaways of Lost escaped from the island together and the alien mythology of X-Files makes sense!

Crazy, Stupid, Love. was one of the better romantic comedies I've seen over the past couple years.

No Jamie Foxx Show? Not that it was an awe-inspiring show or anything, but that was a fairly big entry on his resumé and introduced him to a lot of people who would've been too young to have known him from SNL.

A C- is a bit harsh; I would place it more in B-/C+ territory. I actually enjoyed most of the sketches tonight. I still don't think Andrew Garfield is anywhere near as good a performer as his girlfriend is, but he was game at least. The Beygency was good, and I actually liked the wedding sketch even though it was

Saw The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (as with the first one, liked the cast, hated most of the movie around them), Introduced my kid to the Rolling Stones via Sticky Fingers (thankfully he just likes the music and doesn't understand the words, so I won't have to explain what "Brown Sugar" means just yet), watched The Raid for

Nailed it.

'Cuz you anever thawdasummin munnafung mumble gruzzin LOOK OUT, MAN!

Oh, Bert. Bert, you old wack-a-doo, lovably eccentric shouldn't-be-surprised-by-this-but-I-totally-am racist son of a bitch.

You no shot cop! Bear shot cop, how can this be?!

Physically stolen? Well, there was that copy of Vampires I stole from the Walmart. Neither the film nor the experience of yoinking it from the store were as much fun as they should have been.

"Why couldn't I be on Girl Meets World too? At least eight people remember I was on that show!"

I maintain Beck Bennett should become the co-anchor with Cecily. Been too long since Update had a host with a dry delivery, that's when it's the best. I always thought Meyers milked those reaction shots too much.

Heh, she couldn't even let him be first in the signature line announcing their divorce.

I want her to stop talking and and never not stop talking.