Built For Greed

No spoilers, but I will say this: season 3 is like one long episode. The first two episodes are entertaining and a great way to get reacquainted with these characters, but they really just set up for the emotional pay-off in episode 3, which… well, again, I won't say what happens, but it really does change the game

Well, that escalated quickly.

"Melancholy, self destructiveness and voyeurism mix in 1990s Italy for a Jewish Jew"

Me too. I always hate it when gifted physical comedians fall back on nervous tics to get laughs.

(steps to mic, adjusts bowtie, gently clears throat)

Piper was pretty good for a guy with no real acting skills outside of the usual performance requirements of pro wrestling. I doubt even Kurt Russell could have been a better Nada; he might have tipped the movie's delicate balance a bit too far in the comedy direction at that point in his career.

"Silly Love Songs", in its own low-key way, is one of the best "go fuck yourself" songs.

Please don't do this to yourselves.

Watched the 2009 Star Trek, then went back to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, then watched Star Trek Into Darkness, then watched Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The jumbled order gave me a fresh perspective and I finally realized what really bothers me most about these new movies: they're not really about anything.

Alright, put down the pitchforks, boys, he's one of us!

Finally got on the Downton Abbey train, binge-watched the first two seasons. Outside of Sherlock, I am not the Masterpiece Theatre type at all; if you told me last year that my biggest TV watching thrill would be seeing a restrained ex-convict English butler proposing to a nice housemaid, I'd have called you a damn

See, that's why your son is way more awesome than you.

Nice to see this movie get some love. Though The Hustler may be a better overall film, I personally find The Color of Money to be more enjoyable. There's something so awesome about watching a burned-out character regain his spark; when Eddie goes and gets his new glasses, it's the equivalent of watching one of those

"I'm into DiCaprio's bod." —that candle


Hits and misses aplenty? Sounds just like the first one. I'm in (my sweet new Dodge Durango)!

Nothing for The Way Way Back? That movie has one of the most impressive teen performances I've seen in quite a while.

Dammit, Disney, stop buying all of the things.

WIsh I could be happier, but it just ain't Faces without Ronnie Lane. Glad Rod Stewart will be doing something worthwhile again, though.

TL,DR,CR; too long, did read, can't remember.