Built For Greed


Yeah, it's almost like comics then were designed to appeal to readers with short attention spans, i.e. children.

The Dark Knight alternate scene:

Ah, thank you sir, you're too kind. Once again, we'd like to thank you for making the Paramus Holiday Inn your vacation destination, and as always, please remember to tip your server; a happy staff is a helpful staff!

A long, long time ago
I can still remember how
Newswire used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
I'd program my job's web filter in advance
And I could read AV Club for a while

Not even for driving an El Dorado.

Queen Mum, this one's for you!

You can never be sure with this guy.

Will Prince be wearing a backwards baseball cap for some reason?

I might go with least talented for sure, but he's very interesting. In fact, I often stay up nights wondering how many "cats" will be in his next "flick".

Since I found this funny, someone'll flag it.

Love watching people try to equivocate on Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. It reaffirms my faith in humanity's ability to rationalize the shit out of anything.

I'll let Evil Ross from Friends handle this one:

Eliminator = one of the very few mainstream rock records from the '80s that—probably because I've been listening to it since I've been alive—has never sounded dated to me (no mean feat, considering those damn synthesizers).

Hmm… sounds so crazy it seems plausible enough… nah, Balderdash!

Ms. Saldana, if I recall, has done a few reasonably amusing Funny-or-Die videos. Also, her upcoming Nina Simone biopic is sure to be hilarious.

What is the non-union Mexican equivalent of a non-union Mexican equivalent, anyway?

Math is hard, bro.

'84??? Goddamned Commie.