Built For Greed

That's because he's a ghost too.

Such droids are not the ones that thou wouldst seek.

Thank you so much, this is my favorite Phil Hartman sketch. Tried to watch it on Netflix but they didn't have the whole thing.

Bad movie, I grant you. But a shitty decade? I would say it was the last really good decade.

I always agree with @avclub-ec160682cb3586d851071e80ec63d6c0:disqus ! So will you, if you know what's good for you!

I kept wondering if that was the guy from The Dark Knight Rises playing the really skeevy Australian junkie. He was a most excellent scumbag.

Also, Dude? Legend of Drunken Master is not the preferred nomenclature; Drunken Master II, please.

I wanted a funeral song…. and for my sins, they gave me one.

If possible, I've always kind of wanted to be buried on a Sunday, so that way they can play "Lazing on A Sunday Afternoon" by Queen. That, or Elvis' "Long Black Limousine".

Okay, let's wrap this up, this thread has taken its puns to the extremis level possible.

I guess I'm officially old now, not one iota of this sounds appealing to me.

Why use "Strange Fruit" as part of your snark? That song ain't no fucking joke, man.

This guy is awesome. That's all.

Yep, kinda glad I just came right to Spoiler Space. Watching this would probably have pissed me off. I'll see it eventually, I suppose, but at least now I know I'm going to see This Is The End this weekend.

(sniffs dead body)


Disqus can suck a bag of fat fucking dicks.

If you don't make a comment, they can't track it. Good thinking, brother! #911wasaninsidejob #ajonesismyhero #obummer #NotSafeAnywhere

So in a sense, he's the father of us all.

As for his motivation to go to the NSA interview, it's pretty well established by the movie at that point that he's a lovable rogue who enjoys needling authority a real pissah who just loves fackin' wit uptight queeahs in suits.