Built For Greed

Excellent, now I know Morrissey's YouTube handle.

Using standard Danzig conversion rates, the comment section on the "Larry the Cable Guy" article alone could wipe out third world hunger.

Thanks for reminding me of the last time I really loved anything having to do with Kevin Smith.

You would NEVER hear of Van Damme doing something like this!

Barked For Death.

Just shut up, you damn critics! Bein' all critical and shit.

Grog has a berry smell

Quite a penetrating insight.

I know, right? That trucker mustache SCREAMED "macho".

I'm gonna go with Brian Cox having a stroke.

Meh. No Greg Giraldo, no deal. His bits were pretty much the only reason I even had a passing interest in the Comedy Central roasts.

That's "Deputy" Van Halen to you, dude!

Eh, I kind of agree with John Huston's viewpoint about how they should remake shitty pictures with good ideas instead of movies that were already good in the first place.

Dr. Laura's Traditional Queer Repelling Tonic. (Now with soy!)

Where have you gone, dear Biastioc, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Woo woo woo…

Only one I'm going to miss is It Takes A Nathan of Fillions. That's a damned clever handle.

Dude. Which one's 16 and which one's 51?

This looks really fucking weird. I feel like I'm in Westworld right now.

ill suck ur cok 4 1000 bux
Facebook + cinema = YouTube. Have we learned nothing?

Fuck me, two threads too low and twenty years too late.