Built For Greed

But if we silence all the trolls, then the terrorists win! Free speech!

Eh, it's January, the designated "who-gives-a-fuck" month at the multiplex.

Surprised no one has mentioned the fact that Arkham City will contain Mark Hamill's last performance as the Joker! That's the end of an era right there, man, one of those things that lets you know you're getting fucking old.

Give a fuck less about Metal Box, I just want them to keep up on Batman.

Don't know those first two yahoos, but I think Sam Adams writes/used to write for one of my local fringe newspapers, if he's the guy I'm remembering. The odds are good, seeing as how there are roughly 800 million people named Sam Adams.

Gonna try real hard
to get into Tom Waits' music again. People keep telling me he's great and I enjoy his occasional forays into acting, but his records still sound like a lounge-singing Bob Dylan that got kicked in the throat. Maybe I'm just not there yet. Also gonna try to get into season 2 of Mad Men.

You know what? I approve of this.

Bah, no video, I read English real good. A transcript for us Luddites, please.

Shomer fucking SHABBAS.

Quiet Man, fuckers.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

Speaking of the SW Holiday Special, not until recently did I learn that there is also an accompanying album. After listening to it, I realized how naive I had been to assume that there was nothing worse than two hours of Wookiees trading drunken barbs with Bea Arthur and Carrie Fisher.

Failbot fail.

Don't you blaspheme in here, don't you BLASPHEME in HERE!! Neil Diamond needs to be in the HOF, for his Bang singles alone.

I think Fischer would have had a different answer depending on when you asked him: Spassky, celebrity, Jews… okay, probably mainly Jews.

In fairness, he's been talking about making this movie for over half a decade, if memory serves. It's supposed to be his Mr. Lovejoy, i.e. the film where he "stretches." Although, the last movie he stretched on was Jersey Girl, and look what happened to that shit.

Remake? They remade The Karate Kid? When did this happen?

Hey, son, that's a Walter Hill movie you're talking about. You mind your manners.

Thomas Ian Griffith, man. That guy ruled from about '90 to '93. Why wasn't he a bigger action star?

Another Mark Waid-penned arc that didn't get its due was his Superman origin reboot, "Birthright." I so love that book. It's all the better now when compared to that "Earth One" piece of shit they've got going on now. "Superman Returns" had an emo Superman and now most people seem to hate it. Michael Stracynski does