Built For Greed

What is this feeling I'm experiencing in my chest? My outlook is bright, my hopes are high; could this be what people call…"optimism"?

Not to devalue another's opinion, but is it possible to still "love" Bill Paxton in this day and age? That implies one having a strong feeling about Bill Paxton, something I haven't had since at least 1992 (One False Move). Dude got real bland over the last couple of decades. I would think a modern person would have a

You couldn't possibly have put words in her mouth
What with Gallo's dick being in there already.

You think no one has noticed your failure. Until now, you were right.

Classic Sheen!

Just wanted to say
Thanks, O'Neal.

Michael Patrick King
The only way vengeance would be achieved for Sex and the City is if he were stabbed in the eyes with stilettos and then repeatedly dunked into a tank filled with Cosmos and goat urine before being slowly but inexorably strangled by a Louis Vuitton purse strap. And then Mike Ditka can take a huge

My mom won't watch this, she prefers to get high and watch kung-fu. No, wait, that's me.

Snatch II: Dry & Dusty

But Superman's function is not to be active in the sense that he will take over the world and "show us how it's done". One of Superman's main mandates is not to do for humanity what humanity can and should do for itself. He is meant to inspire and enlighten, not to force people to be subjected to what he thinks is the

Man, were those guys assholes.

Two beards enter
One man shaves.

Which became all the funnier when SNL began employing the boys from Lonely Island to do digital shorts which quickly became the only worthwhile thing on the show.

Fuck it, I liked S.W.A.T. Old school action picture, complete with wisecracks, 'splosions, no CGI and a smarmy French villain.

Quaaaaaaid… Quaaaaaaid… start the reactoooorrrrrr…

Stephen King's entitled to his opinion. I've heard most of the reasonings for why Batman is supposedly superior character: better villains, more psychologically complex, he's a regular human who can hang with superheroes, so on and so forth. I don't deny that Batman/Bruce Wayne is an intriguing character in his own

OP: Good call.

I always thought the ending implied that Munny would find some kind of peace after he stopped punishing himself for his past mistakes and for the man he was before. The violence that he employs in the saloon against Gene Hackman and his cronies is more of the scourging, cathartic kind than the senseless type of mayhem

Superman was, is, and forever shall be better than Batman.

May you be found and retired by Gaff.