Built For Greed

"Hahaha, you named your daughter after fuckin' Titanic? Ahahahaha! What's this one's name, fuckin' Shrek?"

Hey, originally I was going say he reminded me of a Skeksis, so Rizzo's a step up.

Anyone else think
He looks like Rizzo the Rat in that picture?

I can see the press release now:

Ah fuck it, I liked the Costner version. That was the one I grew up on; I'm entitled to like the "shitty" version. And now modern kids will get to have their own shitty version, complete with unnecessary mean-spiritedness and dodgy English accents. Everybody wins!

Yeah right, next you'll be trying to tell me that George Lucas is a horrible writer and director. I won't stand for that, sir!

Yeah, seriously, how do you not pick up that HDS is reprising Bud from Repo Man? I think covering the Heroes beat for all those seasons may have left you with some lasting brain damage.

I choose to take this article as a rare and intriguing glimpse of a snarkless O'Neal in its natural habitat. Fascinating.

Friendly family chit-chat with Mel Gibson
Gibson: "So, Chris… what kind of flowers are you going to bury your wife under? I call dibs on roses, ahahahaaaahahaaha!"

Meh, I've given Affleck the benefit of the doubt for his entire career, all flops aside. Hell, I never wrote off Matt Damon, and he was in "All The Pretty Horses" AND "Titan A.E." I think time's proven me right.

You could've knocked me over with a feather
or, alternatively, shit on my chest.

It's actually pronounced "throat-warbler mangrove."

Ha! You didn't count on my loyal army of prostitutes, did you?

I loved when they did the Late Show on SNL. Norm did the best David Letterman impression ever and had Mark McKinney backing him up as Paul Schaffer perfectly. I was kinda let down that they only did a few of those.

Well, I wanted to read something actually funny, so… I'm reading Marmaduke.

I can't speak for anyone else here, but for me, it was because I really really REALLY enjoyed seeing Sarah Silverman getting punched in the face.

I kinda prefer Monty Python's "GET ON WITH IT", myself.

His was the best character in the whole Kill Bill saga.

Depends on how you like your funny. If you like stupid, crass and/or latent homoerotic comedy, then you'll like MacGruber. I know I liked it (even with the knowledge that I was dumber for having watched it).

That's the kind of mustache
upon which civilizations were built.