Built For Greed

Death On Two Legs
It's not about a love breakup (it's about Queen's animosity toward their former manager, as I'm sure you're aware), but it's definitely the best kiss-off song I've ever heard.

Holy balls, the close up of that avatar just turned my blood to ice a bit. Really wasn't expecting that.

I know, right? And why would anyone want to see Superman and Lex Luthor fight, Luthor's just some old bald guy. Jeez!

You're impervious to everything but fail, and then you go and fall in a pool full of fail. What a twist!

I call shenanigans. Jeff Bridges doesn't get that angry about anything.

I think of Elvis' output more as erratically placed peaks and valleys then a simple rise and fall.

Hold on, I think you got some of Jay's pubes in your teeth.

I actually just watched Extract the other night, and even though I illegally downloaded it, somehow I feel I'm owed a refund.

Balls, I had actually gotten hooked on JFC when they cancelled it. Very well-drawn characters on that show, and the central mystery was shaping up to be pretty interesting. Would another 6- or 8-episode season really have been too much to ask? Christ, they even renewed Hung, and that show is horrible (benefits to the

Ah, anal rape, the frat boy's aphrodisiac.

I believe you're all forgetting about a little movie called Only the Strong, which was supposed to do for capoeira in America what The Karate Kid did for karate.

Did he say "making fuck"?

Maybe it's because I just had a shitty day
…but that reeeeally sucked. I want my five minutes back. Am I alone on this?

It's okay, Berries: I got it.


They should have cast Mel Gibson as Wolverine. That was the biggest no-brainer casting decision in the history of fucking film, yet Hollywood managed to blow it. Wolverine had to be three things: short, hairy and psychotically violent. Mel Gibson is, if nothing else, three things: short, hairy and psychotically

I was just impressed that he managed to come for her thirty times. I don't think I could manage one orgasm for that woman.

Overenthusiastic Exclamation Point