Built For Greed

I always hoard and loot. We need a reason now?

And the circle of failure is now complete.

I never somebody wearing a pair of space suit cutoffs before.

I enjoyed Thank You For Smoking. Aaron Eckhardt as an amoral douchebag vs. William H. Macy as an uptight senator? There are worse ways to spend two hours. Like, say, watching Juno (I kid, I kid, Juno fans). The only problem I see with TYFS is its insistence on falling prey to that most insidious early-2000s casting

You mean the Bill Murray Award?

I am Jack's venture capital.

*flicks tongue for no apparent reason*

In all fairness, Nimoy was the one who kept throwing "Star Trek" mentions in there. He's obviously reached some kind of peace with it by now.

I'm not a hater, nor am I especially well-versed in photographic technique, but does anyone else think those pics look like they came from the world's cheapest Halloween catalog? Again, I'm not hating on Nimoy's oeuvre; I just plain don't get it.

"Mr. Gambini, your opening statement?"

My mind is blown that dude was only 61 years old. He's looked 60 for 20 years. Terrific actor, though; only Wayne Knight could match him for playing the best fat sleazeballs.

Now I'm not saying the media is run by Jews
…but it does seem kind of nebbishy and anxious lately.

Legal sins aren't legally sinful until illegal sinning is when you someone eat it.

Whatevs. Give me Keanu over this fucking tool any day.

Yes, AV Club, how dare you divert my attention from my shitty job for 10 minutes with an innocuously funny list and then, on top of that, you have the gall to give it to me for FREE?! You low-down bastards!

Riggs and Murtaugh
It's only a matter of time until Murtaugh's suspicions of his partner being truly crazy are confirmed when Riggs angrily warns him that if Rog gets raped by a pack of botoxed Russian singers, it will be his own fault.

Vader: "You will retrieve every stack of $20 bills from your drawer, but I want them unmarked. NO dye packs!"

@Orange: I actually had the same thought about Last Crusade while watching it a few months ago. My reasoning was that, because Indy has the personal experience with the Ark at that point and because he's an archaeologist that presumably specializes in religions and religious artifacts, he would understand that while

I approve.

De Niro in the Mid '80s
I remember him being more of a supporting player during that stretch. Untouchables, Angel Heart, Brazil, he was knocking them out for a while there. Did he even have a leading role besides "The Mission" at that time?