Built For Greed

You mean to tell me
St. Eligius was all in little Timmy's mind the whole time?

That's been a big point of contention for me in many of my relationships, romantic and familial. I am a die-hard Elvis fan; always have been, always will be. My fiancee, the mother of my child, is not. Clearly, I am going to have to start indoctrinating the kid early before her mother starts feeding her a

I like the one where the cop is only a few days from retirement.

Johnny Bravo's still funny.

I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!

He is Cimmerian. He will not cry.
Take that, Evita!


Oh them? That's my theme music.
Every good hero should have some.

Not. Just as long as you're NOT writing a poli-sci paper based on ah who fuckin cares.

It's good, just as long as you're writing a poli-sci paper based on the information presented therein, let's say.

Favorite Jarmusch
I'm giving it to Ghost Dog.

Two things that immediately leap to mind
1. Is there a MYOF entry for Cool as Ice? If not, there fucking should be.

Odd thought
She looks as though she would reek of gin if you ever met her in person.

You, Baxter, shall ever be a friend to the bears.

Was he, by chance, held hostage in the back of a Volkswagen?

The "Johnny" of the AV Club
This isn't an original opinion judging by the other comments, but this article was so off-putting I had to throw my two cents in. O'Neal comes off as a total douche-a-rama here. The snark works well for the Newswires, not so much for the Random Roles.


Hey! She is NOT f— um.

I have a major goddamn problem with Chris Evans as Captain America. Sure, people are reluctantly accepting him as Captain America because he was "sorta okay" in a couple of pictures like the FF movies, Push and Sunshine. And maybe he could half-ass it through his own Cap movie which will, more than likely, generate a

"Wait, are we in the toy business or the movie business?"
That's as good an encapsulation of what's going on in Hollywood right now as I've read from anybody.