Built For Greed

Why did this show up on the Most Viewed?
It's like a window to the past!

And thus…
…Rip Torn has his revenge.

The week King Kong came out, I had a choice between seeing it and Brokeback Mountain. Talk about three ass-numbing hours of my life I wish I could have back.

You go, Magnus. Phil Hartman would have been proud of you if he hadn't gotten shot in the face by that coked-up whore he married.

"You be proud o' them wangs. They're the only you gonna leave here with… Mayo-NAISE."

(takes off headphone attached to clunky walkman blasting "One Vision" by Queen)

The Road Warrior/Beyond Thunderdome
Best. Apocalypse. Ever.

"He was painting as he worked"
What a douche nugget.

Is it me, or does she look like Kathie Lee Gifford with a really bad wig?

I made it to 14 seconds, but then again, I hate myself, so…

It's like the '90s has reached through time to save us! Who can we get to fix the Wall Street flash crash? I'm thinking Right Said Fred and Meg Ryan.

@Fritzy-Poo - In fairness, 30 was Superman's physiological age in the first movie when he actually left the training in the Fortress to become Superman. He shows up in the Arctic at roughly age 18, chit-chats with Brando's Floating Head for a while and then they go on their little space tour or whatever, which Jor-El

Wang 'round your head, John Holmes.

I'll compare the ever-loving crap out them since Daria is getting a complete series release before B&B, thank yew very much. Never liked this show much when it was on and I only hate it more now.

I've seen the movie and somewhat disagree with the glowing review. My advice is to watch "An American Werewolf in London" again instead. You'll still get to see some Jenny Agutter, and in a much better movie, to boot.

Rave review
"Valentine's Day is [a] rare star-studded opus [of] essential…double…backdoor… a[c]tion[!]"

Coulda saved you some time
Shit blows up real good, John Cusack wastes his talent, and after you watch it, you'll hate yourself.

"a new Criminal Minds spin-off starring Forest Whitaker"
Didn't this motherfucker just win Best Actor a couple of years ago?

Keep the order
Fuck the law.

It should be noted that Brooks DOES visibly enjoy killing the two dancers, at least partially. When he shoots them, the frame becomes all blurry and Costner's face just devolves into something like bliss and self-loathing while he sways unsteadily on his feet. It's not unlike an alcoholic taking a shot after being dry