Built For Greed


Well-received by whom? I'm talking about the original Tartakovsky 2-volume cartoons. It was short, sweet, action-packed and full of some nifty storytelling and subtle character moments. The current CGI series is horrid, as was the movie/pilot. They draw events out way too much. Also, some of the characters (par for

The Nashville Dudes once ate Optimus Prime whole and shit out Tonka trucks.

His "Clone Wars" bits managed to reclaim some coolness and dignity for Star Wars… before George promptly blew it all again, of course.

I can't speak to what anybody else thought, but for me, the problems with Indy 4 were perfectly encapsulated in a brief moment during the first big setpiece in the warehouse when he goes to swing onto a Russian jeep but ends up swinging backward, landing into the cab of the truck that's pursuing him. He actually

Nope, I think it still sucks. Do call me when they give Hulk a critical revival, though. That movie was great.

The power of editing. lol

*Linnea. And actually, on second thought, it's too pretentious to be like a Linnea Quigley movie. They'd have to have called it "Twin Stripper Massacre" or some shit. But Lohan's performance could be comfortably described as Quigleyesque, and ohmygod what the fuck am I blathering about, it's almost 4AM and this baby

It reminded me of the kind of movie Leanna Quigley would have starred in.

I just like the fact that when you compare his anecdotes about action stars, out of Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal & Nicolas Cage (in Bruckheimer mode) Seagal comes out as the "cool" one.

Best Case Scenario
Alan Moore uses some of his John Dee-inspired pseudomagic to channel the coke-starved ghost of Ike Turner, who uses the opportunity to jam with Murdoc and 2D one last time.

Hal Ashby; there's a guy you don't hear people talk about too much anymore.

Is it me, or does this guy come off like kind of an asshole who thinks he's a much bigger star than he actually is?

There IS a cure for cancer, dammit! Just ask John Constantine.

I will admit this much: at least the "Old Man Logan" story, bad as I thought it was, was nowhere near as inane as Jeph Loeb's Wolvie arc where he made him one of a race of dog-people; i damn near vomited when I read that. Is that still going on, because that's high on my retcon wish list.

He had me right up until the end
…when he mentioned "Old Man Logan." That book ate ass with a bulldozer scoop. I'm not even sure what that means, but it was bad.

Just like everything else in life…
…could've used a little more Val Kilmer.

Love that updated headline
Have much hope for this. Astonishing X-Men was the balls.

"Bad" could have been better…
Personally, I think what was missing was Frank Vincent.

What's our next big hit British import gonna be?
I'm thinking Monty Python!