Built For Greed

Pretty sure these have been mentioned, but…
My top 10 in no particular order:

O, sad times are these when passing ruffians can say "Ni!" at will to old ladies!

I think Leno's just pissed
…about that time he got shorted by the Coked-Up Werewolf.

I'm too lazy to make pilgrimages.
Farthest I ever went was to Leonardo, NJ with a group of friends when I was 15 to stand in front of the Quick Stop like a douche with my backwards ball cap and take a picture. It was fun at the time, but it's now a dark day in my memory.

Yeah… I'll put "Delirious" up against anything Richard Pryor or any other stand-up has done. And it will win.

Okay, then.

Oh, snap! Shit just got real.

I loved the original version of "The Gunslinger" before Stephen King revised it to jibe with the last 3 books. It had these really weird rhythms that I just dug, and the dialogue was very sparse.

@ Lemur: Truly, I would have been a lot luckier if I had come to Queen later than I did. My brother introduced me to it earlier around early '91, before Freddie Mercury's death made the news in late '91. The following spring, Wayne's World came out, so kids in my school were familiar with Bohemian Rhapsody from that,

No, but I did obtain a bootleg of some of his Cross songs. Lord, were they shit.

Rick Steele has joined Hulk Hogan and Cave Commentor on my short list of favorite gimmick posters.

I'll also add that my Queen fanaticism led to me tracking down both of Freddie Mercury's solo albums, Brian May's solo album, and the piece de resistance, Freddie's opera collaboration with Monserrat Caballe, "Barcelona". When I found that shit (and it took a long time; this was well before Amazon or eBay), I had a

* Possible Spoilers*
I was awfully pissed off when Jack Sawyer ultimately didn't come into the final Dark Tower books. The ending of "Black House" sets you up for something really fucking epic, and then zilcho. "The Talisman" had its own unique mythology and backstory. Why bother tying that shit in with the Dark Tower

There's a sale on our gabardine suits todaaaay
They're all 30% percent off from yesterdaaaay
There's fortrell, polyester, leather, wool and tweeeed
Just a Visa or Mastercard is all you neeeed

Hot Shots Part Deux (not a fucking secondsie)
I thought his was one of the few really funny parts in that movie.

"Bitches, leave."

Fuckface Unstoppable
Well, at least I know now what my kid's gonna be named.

9 years Old
I was a huge Queen fan. My brother used to blast Bohemian Rhapsody in his car while we were riding around Mayfair (this was well before Wayne's World), and I just really got into it. My friends are listening to Right Said Fred, EMF and Ugly Kid Joe or whatever was around in '92; here I was, listening to

Whoops. Um… spoiler?

Hugh Grant gets his lifetime pass from me for "About a Boy." I so love that movie. I don't think there's any other actor whom I enjoy watching more when they're playing a completely self-centered asshole. Of course, that may be easy because he seems to be one offscreen as well, but hey.