Built For Greed

You're wondering how SJP can look older than Mary Steenburgen? You're not thinking fourth-dimensionally!

Kate is more like the demonic tree from "Sleepy Hollow", her gaping vagina being the bloody, screaming hole from which Christopher Walken's Hessian Horseman emerges to wreak havoc.

They fuckin' Joe wit' no grease!

It will make you cry like a big, dumb homo. It will make you cry like a short, literate homo. It will make you cry in a box, it'll make you cry with a fox. It'll make you cry like an Italian masquerading as an Indian watching people litter from a speeding car.

Two Points on Public Enemies
1) Bale and Depp were expectedly good, but I thought Billy Crudup blew them both out of the water with his portrayal of Hoover.

Two Points
1) It's about time the old '50s kinescopes got a decent DVD package instead of the constant Goodtimes and Front Row releases. Thanks yet again, Criterion folks. Now if you'll only pick up the rights to One Eyed Jacks…

No "Tell 'Em What Your Name Is"?
You have failed.

Including Heather Graham?

Seen on the AV Club Boards
"Joker wuz heer"

Michael J Fox. If they shoot him in shaky-cam, it'll look like he's standing still.

Sea Isle City-loving Philadelphia douchebag here: I hope you guys stab your feet on every chicken bone left in the sand. Try not charging $6.00 for an order of fries and maybe we wouldn't have to bring food to eat on the shore and leave it a mess. Fucking townies.

Didja get me my Cheez Whiz, boy?

@ Warren: Judging by my fiancee, that's a big fucking yes on my end.

@ Sgt. Hulka: It was pretty goddamned awesome. I couldn't believe Val Kilmer was in it, too. Him, Herzog and Cage on the same movie just sounds like the setup for some Hollywood insider joke.

That's for John Lennon, ye Yankee fucking cunt.

@ wiz: Sorry, didn't understand. If it's for all time, I'd go:

Seconded on the interrogation scene. I just love when the lights pop on and you see that Batman's been standing there the whole time.

The entire Obi-Wan/Anakin duel in Ep. III
Screw you for judging me.

Boooo, Kurt Russell's first and second kills in that movie were way more entertaining and pulpy. The second half of Death Proof, even in the abbreviated theatrical length, reeeallllly dragged on too long.

Two more points: