Built For Greed

You'd better figure it out fast, the cock is ticking.

Ah, you've seen my work, then?

I confess, I've watched this show once or twice…
…because I have thought about the answers to stupid questions that women wouldn't even waste a second of their time thinking about. For instance, could you actually knock out a horse with one punch?

Sounds like they made this shit with an old MIDI player or something.

If you like, you can substitute "man" for "woman". Whatever makes you feel included.

You're all nuts.

@ carl: Iverson and Funny People both started off well enough, peaked early, spent the last of their time meandering around from place to place without really finding a comfort zone, and both go to extremes, either working too hard or being extremely lazy and try to skate by on talent without the effort.

Haven't really gauged the opinion lately
…but is Way of the Gun getting the following it so deserves? I l fucking love that movie, and I think Chris McQuarrie did a better job scripting this than the Usual Suspects (probably helped that he directed, too). It's eminently quotable, plus you get to see Sarah Silverman

No overlap? Do you know any middle aged Jewish women at all?

The snake swallows its tail
This whole album sounds like Neil Diamond doing an impression of Will Ferrell doing an impression of Neil Diamond.

The Kanye I liked DID quit. He's been replaced by 1970s Sly Stone, apparently.

Guess the only thing left to do…
…is Soul Plane 2.

This entire list is negated by the absence of the Boondocks Treasury or any of its post-2000 strips. As good as the cartoon version is (was?), the comic strip was even more fearless. And I know this isn't really the forum to address it, but nor was the cartoon on any of the best of '00s show lists. Social

Enjoy it. The movie version is being optioned by D.J. Caruso and Shia The Beef.

Fugly TV
Watching this season has been like fucking an incredibly ugly woman: it hasn't been great, and I didn't know what I was getting into because my judgment was impaired, but it's too late to stop now and too close to the end.

Here's my basic criteria for judging a Wes Anderson film.

"Revived Bill Murray's Critical Reputation"
I'd just like to say that Bill Murray was always awesome in that period between Quick Change and Rushmore; it's the critics whose tastes changed. But of course, we knew that.

He looks like a metalhead luchador.

That clip of her on the Soup last week was suitably disturbing.

Interesting statistical correlation to that: hairy middle-aged men in trenchcoats accounted for 20% of ticket sales*. But by all accounts, they were watching the young girls, not the movie.