Built For Greed

Damn work computer won't let me watch the vid. I, too, wish to experience the mediocrity!

"Bring The Pain" & "Bigger and Blacker" were great. "Kill the Messenger" took me out of it with the constantly-changing-venues thing.

@ Tasha: That's fair enough. I don't know Ms. Koski in person and I'm not a regular reader of her stuff, so I'm not familiar enough with her to gauge her tone. But I don't think I'm going out of my way to misinterpret anything she said or make her into a villain. It's just the way I read the article. Maybe it's a

"Santa Claus Is Back in Town" wins. Forever.

When I read this article earlier this morning, I was unable to comment on this article because of a work emergency (I know you're all terribly concerned). I'm actually glad I wasn't able to comment earlier becuase my loathing would have been too much to contain.

No replies yet? Looks like I'm getting in on the ground floor.

What the…
That cake looks like it's got clits in it.

There are some poor benighted souls out there who only know him from the Grumpy Old Whatever pictures.

Wait, let me rephrase. Because Rampage can fight with more technical skill.

Because Rampage can actually fight?


48. And thus was told unto the chosen worthy, 49. "Know thou that thee must nor worship any false idol before me, 50. nor shalt thou procure unclean garments from neither Republics of Banana nor Navies, Old or otherwise; 51. for I am the true way. 52. It will shine through the LIGHTNESS of your sweaters and the TRUTH

I really wish you guys meant the biker gang and not the nature worshippers, because THAT would be a holiday worth celebrating.

Lay down the shoe, follow the gourd!

I didn't know he directed "Missing". That movie is one of my go-to examples when some fool questions the greatness of Jack Lemmon.

In infinitely more interesting Academy news, they're giving Roger Corman an honorary Oscar. That should be good.

In our family…
…we usually kicked off the holiday season with non-traditional
(read: non-sappy, no celebration of the human spirit horseshit) Christmas movies like Lethal Weapon, Die Hard and Gremlins. To this day, it doesn't really seem like December to me until I watch Mel Gibson blast the shit out of those drug


I hate the computers at my job.

I would nominate any episode of "My Name is Earl" that features either Burt Reynolds as Big Chubby or Norm MacDonald as his doppelganger/son, Little Chubby. God, that impression makes me laugh.