Built For Greed

You, sir/madam, are clearly insane/correct.

Yeah, I'm calling this one for Frito

I'm sorry, I dont read much outside of anti-Christian literature and Das Kapital. What's this now?

While we're on the subject of right-wingers, Don Imus looks like Richard Lynch's fucking twin. Is NO ONE bothered by this but me? Two equally ugly motherfuckers of this magnitude walking the earth?

Dolph Lundgren is all of these things:

So they give us "Good Night and Good Luck" and "Leatherheads", and then they crap one out. Big deal, they're entitled to a pass. Besides, c'mon, fuckin' Jeff Bridges! He's one of my "watch-him-in-anything" actors. Christ, I even watched "The Door in the Floor" because he was in it. If I can make it through that

Give me a break with the "not-wanting-to-be-white" bit. The vitiligo explains the skin lightening, fine. So what was up with the nose jobs, the chin reconstruction, the hair straightening? Are you gonna tell me he had leprosy now? A lot of that came from his father telling him he was ugly, but not all of it.

All fails mixed by Swizz Beatz.

Whoops, "you'd be real", not ill. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

That's kind of rough. I remember back when Butterbean fought a wrestler—I think it was Bart or Billy Gunn, and why do I even know that much—for a stunt, and damn near decapitated the poor guy with an uppercut. And that was a guy with at least some athletic skill. Unless he distracted Butterbean with a turkey leg or

"We have achieved peace in our time."

Sorry, Jorge, the correct answer is Rosario Dawson's tits.

^^^ Just realized, that was my 100th comment.

Die Hard (1). National Lampoon's Vacation. Seven Samurai.

BTTF 3 wins off this exchange.

Thanks to your links, TomWaits, I just tricked my girlfriend for the second time in our relationship. The first time, of course, was when I convinced her I was straight.

Paul Reubens. He's a master at working with one arm…

I tried to come up with a good joke, but I'm stumped.

Come to think of it, the only reason I'm really upset about MTV and VH1 not showing videos anymore is not being able to see good stuff like Wierd Al parodies. Most music videos suck anyway, but I sort of miss those, and watching them on YouTube just isn't the same.

Another link between the two: Wyclef looks like what Hustler-man would look like in real life.