We Prick You

***pricks Captain Jewbeard***

Also sorry for screwing up your name, HippyD.

Was hoping somebody would mention Talk Talk. Spirit Of Eden is one of my Top 5 Things In All Of The World Ever (Sorry, HappyD - though I like Laughing Stock quite a bit).

John Hodgeman
also, Michael Gira (of Swans)

As is clearly indicated by my screen name, I'm also a Bowie nut who is thoroughly puzzled by the lack of acclaim Outside gets. Each of his subsequent albums have had highlights, but not as many as (and none so *high*) Outside.

Mr. Pierce, you may want to check your stats again. Counting sales of full albums, Ruben has sold almost 2.5 million albums (to Fantasia's 2.3 million), which puts him just above Fantasia and into the 3rd spot in terms of best-selling AI winner. Also, there are less than 200k records separating Kelly from Carrie, so