
Listen, I don't like Michael Ian Black. He reminds me of VH1 and condescension. I also find the idea of basing a podcast around "tasting" junk-food overly precious and affected. Obviously, some folks around here disagree with me. I guess I should have tried out the show before deciding whether or not I hate it and

ugh. stop sweating so much. it's gross.

I've never listened to Mike and Tom Eat Snacks, but I hate it. I hate everything about it. I never won't hate it.

also: something something seventeen year old girl



please come back                          to lavender street.

You're giving voice to my fears.

Hey, has anyone heard any news about Charles Burns' follow up to X'd out?  I really need that to come out. Like soon.

jefftowne is on netflix streaming. watch it and then reflect quietly on what you have seen.

Add a yard and a half and you got a deal, motherfucker.

I'm not exactly in the habit of seeing the Chevy work against some two-bit piece of junk.

Well sure, I'd be grateful to find out. Only thing is…

You mean you got some extras in there? Is it fast? Gee mister, I'll bet it's pretty fast.

Not bad for a factory machine.

That's a clean machine.

That Dodge had a Hemi with a torque flight. He got me good out of the gate. I pulled on him in second. Rolled right up to the door in third. That was when he stopped and I finally pulled him in fourth. I believe we sawed that cat off even if we did lose two hundred.

Broadway Parking Lot on Crenshaw.

thanks man, i'm still learnin'

nevermind i googled it. things just won't be the same now.