Future Evil Me

"She sure put up a fight"
"She can't put up a fight now. Watch the door."
I'm paraphrasing a bit, but it sounded fairly threatening to me.

When I was pregnant, my nephews suggested Luke Skywalker for a boy and Princess Peach for a girl. They are nerd-acorns fallen close to the nerd-tree.

I really like Mila. She's not my favorite, but she's better than at least two of the remaining designers. Yeah, she's like a bitch-programmed robot, but at least she's not fakin' it. (Insert horrible Kenley laugh here)

Jerrell? Pretty good? Maybe that one time, but seriously he needs to go home next. I need him to go next.

Gaaaaah! Seriously? Mila went home and Michael was in the top three? WTF? And Jerrell? Is he related to one of the producers or something? How has he not gone home yet? But the biggest question I have is why, why, WHY do I keep watching this crap?