
I don't normally do this sort of thing but why 'whose father is Māori'? Why no 'who is Māori'. He's Māori! His films (that aren't genre pieces at least) are about Māori people and Māori life. I have no idea why you'd imply otherwise. Nice use of the macron though.

Well, ain't I dumb…

It's a real shame that there was no mention of the pen and paper RPG Call of Cthulhu here as it (along with D&D) was a key part of re-popularising Lovecraft and making him a larger cultural phenomenon but also because it contained all the key elements you mention above and basically invented the sanity loss mechanic.

So totally and utterly Divinity: Original Sin for me. God, I'm playing on my lunch breaks, before work, when I should be making dinner… all the time.