Sunday School shoes

There's an unsung version of this song just waiting for Frank Ocean

When was this episode filmed? Conspiracy me thinks that if it was filmed after TWD faked Glen's death, they were simply using his "death" to measure fans' reactions (via social media and ratings) and how to properly handle having to possibly kill off a primary character.

The way that "Children of Men" is still so on point, nearly ten years after its release, is just frightening and dumbfounding. Everyone drop what you're doing and go make babies just to be safe.

Laura Derns' character is pretty entertaining when you pretend it's actually Amy Jellicoe.

I'm with you. The silent pauses when there should be confused screams is frustrating. Ex: (Spoilers) The neighbor guy who was eating a dead dog on our floor and fighting our Mom's boyfriend a few seconds ago just had his head blown off all over our curtains by the Dad of the random family now occupying our house.

My friend/classmate played "Time of Your Life" on guitar at our HS graduation in 2000.

I saw her as a meth-head rape victim. For a short portion of the movie I thought there was a possible connection between the "monster" and former victims.

Misfit Love

When considering her stage presence under the pretense that "indie is the new pop", if she came out on stage dressed as a late-90s blonde pop star like Britney Spears, it would almost be MORE weird (ironic) as fuck.

Completely forgot his Martian speech. I gotta stop going drink-for-drink with these guys.

Agreed. And for a more recent spin, it's maybe a Destroyer/Broken Social Scene hybrid, which of course captures all those earlier influences that you listed. Great sound, just what my ears needed.

IMO it still looks great. It makes a pretty fantastic time capsule of the few short years leading up to 9/11.

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I've got nothing but love for Napster. Napster provided me QOTSA's "Rated R" and "Mrs Jackson" all on the same CD.

Friendsy's I mean!

Good party scenes in "Seeking a Friend". Even a guy like me likes his chances at that Friendly's restaurant.

I also was very impressed by this pop album. I'm definitely not the first person to say this, but this album was the follow-up that I wanted from The xx's 2009 album. Obviously there is a lot of influence and similar qualities, from the space between the notes to the time of the calendar year it hit.

Holy shit, "The Wire" does sound like a Shania Twain song.

They're great.  Part of the series' appeal for me is the transformation of the location due to the passage of time (the "Night of the Living Dead" cemetery or the "Jaws" island for example).

Agreed. "Underneath the Pine" nearly had a Steve Miller Band vibe to it.