
@JVS: First off, Foer does not deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with Wallace, DeLillo, or Franzen, so forget about him.
But yes, The Corrections is fantastic. I cannot recommend it enough. And so is Underworld, but White Noise is my favorite by DeLillo.
DFW is my favorite out of the three, simply because

Has Been?
Too soon?

Oh I have a TV—both the PS3 and xbox 360 can stream .avi files from your PC and play them (often in 720p) right on the tv in your living room. You don't even have to chain yourself to the monitor to do it.

Drink this. Now you're just like me.

I haven't had cable in over three years, yet I manage to watch all of my favorite shows from Showtime, AMC, and FX a few hours after they are aired, commercial free. How could I possibly do that?

Because there's a lot of loose skin and they just keep picking at it.

And isn't that ironic, seeing as how they canceled it. Cocksuckers indeed.

The end of Deadwood kind of left some open questions too, I think. But I'm picky like that. But yeah, Carnivale was freaky and fucked up enough without HBO stepping in and saying "we've seen enough—this is a perfectly cromulent ending."

Well, thanks! I sucked the seers myself! Tasted like prophecy.

Well, that explains it, Mikey; that explains it all. You just hit the brakes and we flew right past you. But Goose is still dead.

Dear God, I've watched so much awesomeness on Netflix streaming it's not even funny. They have amazing documentaries, a fantastic foreign selection, and several really good television series. If it were not for the streaming service, I wouldn't have seen Who the F#@k is Jackson Pollack, F is for Fake, Let the Right

I heard about this in The New Yorker forums and had to come see how the plebs live. Apparently, not well. Now, who wants to discuss my seersucker suit?

I'll give an "amen" to that. Nothing to torrent from HBO until Boardwalk Empire comes out this Fall.

Either MikeMartz is a' trollin, or he's Maverick from Top Gun.
Either way, his statements hurt my heart.

And this is why I don't feel bad watching HBO via EZTV.

The Juggalos mostly come out at night. Mostly.

Hit Girl will be remembered as one of the coolest child roles in cinema. In fact, I think it already is.

Kanye West "Brainstorming"?
That should be uneventful.

The plot is recycled from several different places, the dialogue is laughable, but it's pretty and has decent action scenes. So, yeah, I'd consider it a bad movie.

I wonder if he's happy with it. Faces are always problematic, but this guy's artist really brought the suck to a whole new level. The colors are even horrible.