The DL

Yeah, I feel discombobulated upon finding out Tasha is NOT African American.

How did I miss the complexity???? In my book, there was absolutely nothing complex about this movie. Once it was revealed the main character "had" been lost in limbo, it was totally clear he was still in limbo and everything we'd seen and were about to see were products of HIS imagination. Really, is it that hard to

I actually got that the whole thing was a dream. Nothing, absolutely nothing or no one was real. We were all in this man's mind the whole time. Since I never particularly cared about this man (DiCaprio's character), I never really cared about the movie. As far as movies telling you reality is fake, "The Matrix" still

Whatevs, I love that the AV Club is part of "The Onion;" smart people have a great sense of humor.

@forget_it_jake - my b/f was born in the fifites, watched that Kennedy guy get shot on live TV, went to the original woodstock in '69, lived in Manhattan in the 70's and 80's, moved to L.A. right before the riots, and every time I say how cool it is that he's lived to see all that (looking at him with wonder-filled

Tetris FTW!!! I always make sure I have it in whatever new device I get. It's important.

Is Pancakes for One gay or a PMSing chick? -I'm a chick (not PMSing) & I don't love Coldplay that much… Actually, I don't love them at all.