Craig Stephen Tower

Picket Fences also had the single biggest "WTF?" moment I've ever seen: when a character described the events of the episode of X-FILES that (if you were watching this on it's original network broadcast) just ended minutes ago on rival network FOX (I don't know what the overlap between the two show's viewership was,

I'd like to think that version they did for an Amnesty benefit (where Palin immediately and without evasion gives Cleese a full refund, and Cleese praises Thatcher!) was the official retirement of the bit.
Sadly, I think they've done it since then.

Was that our old pal Clancy Brown as the voice of The Horseman?

The best comment I ever heard on the New Universe was a friend who responded to it's claims of "realism" with a dismissive "Uh, they DO know that stuff like LOVE AND ROCKETS exists, right?"
Personally, I couldn't imagine anyone wasting their time with it when they could just read any randomly chosen FIRST COMICS

After DS9 went off, he apparently did a pilot for a show produced by Barry Levinson. The network wanted a more "traditional" lead, but Levinson was fully confident he could carry a series.

I get the distinct impression they have more of a plan than The Office, though. (Given that the theme this season seems to be "People leaving and/or being driven out of Pawnee", they may already be plotting the show's end.)

The original TREK had it right; it started as "Starring Shatner and Nimoy", then added DeForrest Kelly to the opening credits after it was clear they'd be using him a lot. They eventually developed their supporting cast through trial and error, until they had the kind of ensemble the show needed.
All the later TREKS

Actual Quote from Bob: "sure, I COULD retire, but what am I going to do, tell jokes to my dog?"
And while he DOES do the expected "Greatest Hits" stuff in his act, he's always adding new material just to keep himself interested.

But PENNY gets half-decent material to work with.
( Or at least she's able to sell it better)

Audience reactions noises are always manipulated, sometimes for purely technical reasons.


I was more concerned about how the first two films basically eliminated established FEMALE characters. (We all know which of Jim Gordon's kids worships Batman, and it ain't his son).

Well, the Bane in that movie simply isn't the same character from the comics. (Not a criticism per se; I'm just saying that Nolan's interpretations of ALL the characters shows little interest in fidelity to the source material )

Also, Joe Flaherty's line "next week we'll invite some Negros over for a race riot" is GOLD.

There was a teaser trailer made for it before they actually started shooting… NOT directed by Spielberg; it's actually scripted and directed by John Milius, and features Belushi playing a VERY different version of his character (right down to having a different first name)
It's an interesting look at how the film

To be fair, the original STAR WARS clearly WAS a labour of love, and his enthusiasm was still strong going into EMPIRE and RAIDERS…
… and then things lost their lustre.

Hard to argue with THAT, too.

Not saying it's BAD; just saying that the heart-ripping, head exploding stuff has been moderated.
(ironically, it's the only one of the three that actually HAS a PG-13 rating, which only came into existence because of Spielberg's earlier PG films pushing the line )

According to Bruce Timm, he wasn't hands-on once they starting going, but he WAS involved in the early stages, and was pretty helpful at getting things set up.