
So who has better subscription content at this point, Hulu or Netflix?

Bran is an actual celtic name, precursor to the modern Brian.

The Magnetice Fields' "Nothing Matters When We're Dancing" YouTube link:

Ned's dead?

David Sims: "Ned's final act of compassion, having his man protect Arya from watching her father die …"

Doctor Memory: "Alex Kingston is nearly 50— 20 years older than Matt Smith, and it's becoming more visibly obvious as each season goes on."

Phil Nugent: "In promoting Field, Ford has talked about how, "because I was born in '64 and raised in the golden age of television …"

Kundera - Immortality, Unbearable Lightness of Being
Jorge Luis Borges - The Aleph and Other Stories, Other Inquisitions
Donald Barthelme - Sixty Stories, Forty Stories, Overnight to Many Distant Cities
Lester Bangs - Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung
F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
M.F.K. Fisher -

Todd VanDerWerff: "I'm guessing this is the last episode we'll get to spend significant time with Ned."

David Sims: "… Bran's little brother (have we seen him before?)"

Damn, this episode MOVED. So much ground covered, and yet it never felt rushed.

Keith Phipps: "Also, does the Doctor kill Ganger Amy?"

Scott Tobias: "Though Tarkovsky didn't care for Kubrick's film—nor did Lem care for Tarkovsky's, for that matter …"

David Sims: "… Kalinda doesn't even get a kick out of casual gay sex anymore …"

Flully Flullenberger: "I quickly managed to drink enough to forget what I'd read, but I'd still prefer doing it this way."

Oops. Just re-watched that scene and I was WRONG. It's definitely the thigh.

I read each of the reviews, and I like both the idea and the execution. It seems odd at first, but there seems to be a large enough audience in both camps to justify it.

Todd VanDerWerff: "For those of you who enjoy myths and legends and such, doesn't it look like Ned's wound is in his thigh?"

peekay: "i find it difficult to imagine her in a corset…"

sarCCastro: "Suranne was great in the role."