
LittleBells: "How the f' does Eloise know all these things in ANY reality?"

Also, John Updike.

Shaw had to bleed a lot. Morgan warned us not trust he was dead unless there was blood. And/or viscera/brain matter.

Todd: "Every time I realize I'm older than The Simpsons, that it debuted while I was alive, I feel old."

Christ, I remember when Murmur came out and playing it on college radio.

Aren't you a person who died?

Chiacria: "I had weird dream once where I was a young ensign on the Enterprise and Captain Picard strikes up a conversation with me …"

Noel Murray: "I'll leave it to you to speculate on how and why Dogen ended up in Los Angeles, attending the same audition with his son as Jack did with David."

Seconding "Motherless Brooklyn".

Panthea: Yeah, but … Nickel Creek?

A Harvard Professor: "Great date movie … If your date is a 13 year old boy."

Declan McManus International Art Thief: The Scots came from Ireland. Feel free to correct me politely."

No, no, no, no. You're all wrong. Larry is CLEARLY Dr. Bellows to Michael's Tony, Sam's Roger, and Fiona's Jeannie. And Madeline is the General, which means that Larry is metaphorically Michael's half-brother.

Zack: "Uriel was always a jerk."

Apparently, people are not familiar with the source of the joke — there is an actual book entitled: Cooking With Pooh.

Mythagoras: "I love cyberpunk and post-apocalyptic sci-fi as much as the next geek, but man it's easy to have it slip into corny!"

josef2012: "melissa tauchauroen(sp.)…sexy goodness."


I'm not sure we can assume that Topher's dead. I think it's more likely that he's in some sort of brain-wiped/coma fugue state. At least that's what I expect to be revealed in the unlikely event that "Dollhouse" ever gets a continuation/reboot.

Clearly you've never met Cookie Robertson, the hexadeciroon who is also a Cookie.