
It's Ilana's roommate that's gay, not Abbi's. He talked about liking taxes because they pay for the gayest stuff.

Loved this episode. Randy/Derrick and Pete/Jill are some really fun duos. I just hope they drop the voiceover at the beginning, do I really need to be reminded every time I watch the show of the military's "heroic missions"? I mean B99 doesn't feel the need to keep talking about how heroic the NYPD is but it's still

I've felt the same way. He mostly felt like himself in this particular episode for me, but in quite a few of them he just seems really off. Not really out of character but different.

Yeah I hate the Tigers more as a team, but I rarely ever encounter Tigers fans or other AL Central fans. When I have I've found them a lot more tolerable than Cubs fans.

I'm a White Sox fan, I can't help but steer clear of anyone wearing Cubs stuff but if I was dating someone cool and later found out they were a Cubs fan that would probably be okay. Probably. But I would never date someone from Chicago who is a fan of the Heat, and the circumstances in which I could date a Yankees fan

What a great episode. The best one so far, imo. I was so happy when the flashback showed that Santiago's end of the bet came from something she said would be awful to her rather than Peralta just trying to force her to date him.

Yeah, he said they "didn't get a chance, they only had 13 episodes." Which I agree is a really dumb thing to say, it literally is as easy as the like, 30 seconds that B99 used in the pilot to establish Holt as gay. I'll never understand how it's still not a given when you have a big, diverse cast like this to have at

So I just watched an interview with Geoff Stults, he said that they didn't get a chance for any gay storylines in season 1 but that they keep talking about one of the platoon coming out if they get to season 2.

I'm also really hoping for one of them to turn out to be gay, I was rooting for Derrick (the sarcastic brother). Not that it's likely but it would be awesome since he's my favorite so far, and it would be cool to not have 3 hetero white dude leads.

Who would want to watch a sitcom with this premise if it was political? Saying it's a good thing that this show isn't about politics is very different than saying "we should shut our mouths when it comes to military matters."

I loved Mindy & Danny in this episode, but I'm so consistently disappointed by the B-plots in this show despite them having so many good characters and funny actors. I wish they would have more side plots like in the You've Got Sext episode where a couple of the secondary characters spend a lot of time playing off one

Ahh I'm glad you pointed that out, I knew I'd heard that phrase before the sketch in this ep and it was bugging the hell out of me where I could have heard it. I watched 3x10 a few times so I guess it stuck in my mind, it's so catchy.


A. Loved every sketch and thought the banter between sketches was great too.

B+, just didn't really like the Karim and Jahar sketch.


I've always loved the joke that Rafi thinks Kevin's name is Brian so that final line just killed me. Great way to end the season.

I mostly agree with this review, the ep started out really strong but then the pubes thing got boring and the phone sex was really gross and not in a fun way for me. The end with Ruxin getting pulled over did kind of win me over though.

This was a pretty good end to an amazing season. I thought the dinner scene was pretty boring but everything before that was so funny and Mac's "I hate people who are different than me!" is one of the best lines I could imagine to end a season. I wonder if they'll have continuity next season with the fact that Mac and

It's funny to me that saying they shouldn't have used blackface is my feathers being too easily ruffled when you apparently think any criticism of the show at all crosses the line.