
As much as the blackface crossed a line for me, I thought the ep was really funny otherwise. The volleyball to shower to strip club scenes and the convos in between were just genius— I love Mac's crush on Dennis and his gayness that seems to get more and more obvious each ep this season. Mac trying to pass those

This was definitely the best ep of the season so far. Pete's storyline was great, I was glad he was finally getting to do something besides make fun of Andre and Duplass totally delivered. I especially loved when he tried to angrily exit his own apartment. It's so good to have Rafi back, too!

I finally just watched the episode and I'm really really surprised they didn't do this, or even mention the blackface at all. In Lethal Weapon 5 they spent like a quarter of the ep saying that they know it's racist. It's pretty bizarre to me that they didn't find that necessary this time. I guess maybe they thought

They've already done it quite a few times, though. It's been enjoyed. There's no need to keep doing it.

People commenting on facebook whose comments boil down to "LOL!! Blackface is funny!!!" I mean, sorry if I'm misjudging and every person who makes that comment is actually thinking "It's so funny how Sunny makes fun of racists!"

I did have the same objections, and yes I voiced them to my friends who also watch the show. Not on AV Club as I didn't start coming here until recently.

I agree, I haven't seen the episode yet but I am so sick of them using blackface. I don't care if I don't "get the joke" or whatever, I know for sure that tons of people who watch also don't get the joke and just think it's hilarious to do blackface. It's just not okay at all. I'm not going to quit the show but I'm

This episode was painfully cheesy at times but I thought it was at least pretty fun, while last episode was just unwatchably horrible to me. I agree that the first act was boring and the flashbacks were awful but it really picked up toward the end and made me laugh out loud a few times. Dorothy was awesome and her and

My problem isn't with her turning out to be "stupid" or other things people are saying. I think it's kind of awful how people got that from what she said in this ep, she sounded like a completely normal person to me. My issue is just with how she didn't even seem to have much of a problem with Charlie. She seemed

I don't think this episode would have had any noticeable characterization issues to anyone if people weren't expecting there to be knowing it was written by guest writers. Rob, Glenn, and Charlie have said before that they make every script their own by the time it airs. I just don't think there would be

I didn't think this episode was very funny but I can at least acknowledge that 15 year old me would have thought it was hilarious, which makes me kind of fond of it. It was way better than the last episode at least, though the N words were really unnecessary.

Yep. I definitely think he was leading on Mac on purpose and probably does it all the time, that's the kind of power trip he would be into.

The point of the whole brains/looks/wildcard thing on Always Sunny was to poke fun at the idea of having such cut and dry roles in the group, though. It's hard for me to put any of the gang in a clear role.

This episode was awful. I tend to find South Park boring when it parodies movies/TV (especially when I haven't even seen the original material) and this episode just felt so lazy. They had nothing new or interesting or, most importantly, funny to say about the Zimmerman thing so what was the point of even doing an

Agreed, I've been wanting him to be explicitly gay for so long and I'm kind of shocked it actually happened. I was looking at the facebook comments and I thought it was interesting that I didn't see anyone saying anything negative about Mac being gay, just more of stuff like "haha! I knew it!" It's not like a