
"Dad, why did you take me to a gay steel mill?"
"I….don't know."

You see, my wife, she has been most vocal on the subject of the pretzel monies. 'Where's the money? When are you going to get the money? Why aren't you getting the money now?' And so on.

:grumbles in disapproval:

This episode is lousy with Marge grumbles. My favorite is the interested one Lil Marge does when her mother shows her the corn field.

Dexter is even worse off, but deserves it.

I disagree.

I think I could make a pretty good case for you being in my top five people.

Pretty cute, although angry Phineas makes me so uncomfortable.

I still ship it, on an ocean of red, red wine.

"This parrot won't eat anything but Ensure and Werther's Originals! What gives?"

I want a supercut of his dances! Interwebz, have you finally failed me?

Oh, honey. On Demand exists. But, you, you tried.

Marathon all of the eps mentioned. If unsuccessful, ditch newbie.

This is also the first time I've seen all the angles of his face lit properly. Poor lighting? Intimidating and sinister. Lovely, warm lighting? SCHWING.


I wish I had a van so I could airbrush it with that scene.

The cartoon memorial bench had to return to its home planet.

The foot fetish was related to cowering under the bed and looking at his mother's feet as she stalked around.

I agree. It was a deft way to avoid Finn's question and also be terrifying.

Finally, you've explained to me why he insists upon rocking that hideous mustache. It's not the Paul F. Tompkins I love, it's his bizarro, s-less twin!