spanish inquisition

quite so

"Anyhow, the guy playing the G.I. was so effective"

My money was on 'Gordon'. Dammit

What do you mean, Flash Gordon approaching?

That was definitely the cloister bell. We also heard it in Hide and The God Complex methinks

I loved this episode just for the scene where Clara asks The Doctor if he put the TARDIS into basic mode just because she's a girl. The look on his face cracked me up. I could practice that look in a mirror for a year and never get it that funny.

This takes me right back to Birmingham. Arrggh! Please! Nooooo!

It's too late! It's been viraled out to hundreds of kids!

And whatever happened to FinderSpider?

You forgot 'Cumberbatch'

I'm sorry I don't do impressions. My profession is psychiatry.

My favorite line of the whole series -"Sorry to bother you at a time like this Mrs Twice. We would have come earlier but your husband wasn't dead then."

She died doing what she loved. Stroking out.