Fielding Melish

Well disqus seems to be straining under the load. I had a response which got lost, I think. And it was, basically: ah, ok, that's a good choice.

Justice? Caring about infractions of people's rights? Some issues of justice, privacy of photos, are more important than other issues of justice like property, ie, the ability to make a living?

Sneezing is interesting, sure, but unfortunately I'm cursed with a thing for hiccups.

Do adult film stars care if their images are shared for free on the internet? The question probably sounds absurd, but why? To be clear, you suggest that they do not care, I think. I'm not arguing with you or trying to misconstrue what you said, and I agree with your point generally, I think… (ie, I think the theft

Carell's movie persona, his 'type' of character, is not a desirable one: maybe it was with Dan in Real Life that he took full ownership of the —super sensitive, put-upon, despondent but nice and sometimes funny— male characters. It's terrible, because the stories are all so maudlin or cloyingly uplifting.

A V.A.Month could very well improve a lot of lives.

Well put.

Grown women, marginality, NFL… no mention of cheerleaders?

Ah, just responded to MrsRedFox about this song. These Arms is one of my favorites. The structure is masterful: build up, rising emotional entreating, shrinking pleading, stop. Your description's right on.

These Arms of Mine, and I've Been Loving You are peas in a pod, two of my favorites. And given the right circumstances can moisten the eyes.

You need a haircut, Black Stallion!

Agreed. Leading the witness, or something. I don't know. But I agree. Somewhere between nonplussed and a little annoyed. In that narrow little range.

Not about this song… but I encourage any and all to get a greatest hits collection and listen to it over and often. Otis Redding made a ton of great songs. And he sings of heartbreak and yearning with a depth and pathos that belie his age. A greatest hits cd will become a reliable reservoir of heartfelt soul / r&b.

I have not read her work but this review has moved me in that direction. To be honest it sounds like writing and narrative form from many (many) decades ago. That's not meant as criticism, and of course it may not be accurate.

Anyone watch the video? "Let me paraphrase this for you so that you can understand it more clearly," you are a putrescent charlatan peddling fear.

When Paul wrote The Big Sleep , or as you call it Corinthians, he was using sleep as metaphor for death.

Entirely fair. [throws rock at bottle]

He has to fix the problems in the Obama detail team. From Seattle. Lots of phone calls.

I write the following as one who, as a fan of Twin Peaks, keeps a fish in my coffee percolator.

I thought that show he was on called Seinfeld was funny. Since then when I've read about his opinions or his new ventures I've found him uninteresting.