Fielding Melish

Beck's Sea Change, and just kept it running for a week or so.

I used to think that one of the earliest, most deeply coded versions of this phenomenon was Peaches' Diddle my Skittle. Turned out that Ferd Morton did it first.

Somewhere between the Neko Case and Rilo Kiley families of things. I'll give it a listen or two.

I gifted it to two people. Both loved it.

I believe you. Is it worth watching? It… that dog has a fluffy tail!

Phyllis Diller is the better punchline, I think. It works for both the sound of the name and the persona. Martha Raye was my first thought, but I still prefer Diller.

In today's sitcom catchphrase economy one "aaaaayyyyyy!" can fetch 12 "up your nose with a rubber hose"s.

MTv awards cool quotient? I'm getting a reading of over 400 MegaFonzies.

posted in the wrong place… but I'll leave Mary, from There's Something about Mary, for goodwill.

Carmen Sternwood. She'd try to sit on my lap while I'm standing up.

Google news had a headline a day or two ago from a site like entertainment weekly saying, "comedy funny man and hilarious actor Zatch Braff's latest jocular take on modern life…", and I trusted it implicitly. I do trust them. They do good work. They? All of them.

What is the sound of one nut clapping?

Colbert is bankable. Solid comedic actor. Good comedic timing and sensibility. Seems like a smart enough guy. Not sure about his "straight" interview skills, but I have faith in the guy. I'd put money on him if the bet existed. Do well, you talented fuck!

Not sure what inspired me but I've been listening to Picture of Nectar
and Lawn Boy recently and enjoying them considerably, Nectar in
particular. Although I find the lyrics too clever by half and thus a bit

Bloomberg reported that Google, Facebook, Chase, Amazon, Microsoft, and Bank of American don't use the vulnerable software.

This could be a huge payday for Colbert. You always hear Comedy Central pays much less than the networks and other cable channels like tbs. It could be innovate for late night programming, or not.

Ah, I see. Lots of stuff written on the guy. Thanks for clarifying. I'll check it out. One of my favorite figures. The death stuff must be brutal. Anyway, thanks again.

Kenfer's Tough Without a Gun? I haven't read it. Worth a shot?

Tom, with Philly Boy Roy on the couch.

It was well crafted snark. Particularly given you targeted the site and not this person featured here.