blackt out man

Big congratulations to the pair. Felicidades!

Piazaolla is awesome, even if his best album's title, "Tango: Zero Hour", probably sounds better in Spanish than in English.


It looks like the fruit Cronenberg would have invented if he were God.

It looks like the fruit Cronenberg would have invented if he were God.

For a long time, it was my family's tradition to read a part of A Christmas Carol each night starting with Advent. I still like the story, so I cringe when I see bad adaptations of it (such as those at my uncle's community theater troupe).

But Werdsmiff, it's clear you don't understand the nature of human ah fuck it I can't even bring myself to say it.

I'm surprised Kubrick missed that. Oh well. It's still a good movie.

I like paperbacks because they're easier to read on the subway. They also aren't as heavy as hardcovers.

It's a shame, too, because the premise sounds like it'd make a good movie. But that's just the wrong scoring choice for that premise.

I had no idea Diaz was Diaz in Being John Malkovich. So, mission accomplished.

"Plaintive indie-rock songs"
Well, that's another movie I'm not going to bother seeing.

Is it in Boston yet? I love me some Black Dynamite at Coolidge Corner, but I'd love to see something more recent. This looks good.

I'm not talking objectively. You either like something or you don't, which is another way of saying that a piece of art (whatever you think that is) is good or bad. Aesthetic opinion surpasseth understanding.

I didn't realize why a certain set of action movies always hurt my eyes until I found out they were all directed by Michael Bay.

No, lex has been popping in lately. Unless there's a I-exicondevil I'm not aware of.

Plus, from the last sentence it's clear the only thing he worries about is having the Oprah sticker/logo on the cover. Whether or not Oprah has actually endorsed the book doesn't actually seem to matter to him.

Eh, even My Life is Average is only average. A lot of people seem to think it's "my life is good."

@Jason Sensation:

Plus, a lot of people don't get that "that's what she said" jokes are supposed to be insults. "It goes all the way under" isn't a good target for that reason (just to point out one I've heard).