blackt out man

Ah, OK. Plus, to add onto your argument, it's difficult to find the equivalent of "driving nails into a board" for games—is it "generate fun" or something? In the same way, a painting doesn't have an obvious practical use.

Wow. Does the show take her attitude seriously? 'Cause that's hilariously/tragically puritanical if it is.

I must have aged early—I read "On the Road" right within the window and didn't really like it. I did like how Sal slowly realizes what a jackass Dean is.

Totally irrelevant to the conversation, but as a Savage Love reader, I love that the username I used for ten seconds had initials that spelled GGG.

Speaking of Guitar Wolf: King Brothers were awesome. Where did they go?

She's got time to see it because she's a math teacher now. Weird reversal.

Belief in God makes the choreography at 1:11 seem like Nijinsky.

I wish I had to go on road trips as long as B Town apparently does (though I'm sure they're a huge hassle). The most interesting stations we have in the Godless Northeast are in Portuguese. From what I can gather through an incomplete understanding of French and Spanish, they tend to have a lot of religious

I can see what they were going for. The drummer isn't entirely terrible, which is surprising for a kid. I might even have liked it if it had sounded like the players were in the same band.

That's how these things go. I used to have Fmylife bookmarked. I got tired of it. Same with Fark, Somethingawful, all those Internet things that seem to have something in common (other than "humor site") that I can't quite articulate.

I posted as "Guys, Guys, Guys" today and yesterday, so I guess I'm still reading this. Questions after reading your post, ricin:

Secret Life of the American Teenager
I've seen my mom watching this show every so often. Every bit I see of it looks like every single episode is "very special", and I don't know how someone with a drama degree can watch it with a straight face.

Which Future Abe?

… rrrrgh … don't feed the trolls. Don't feed the … ack … trolls … but what if they're right?

Correction, Guys, Guys, Guys: the thread winner is Dallben Folds Trip Fives.

The Last True and Great etc.: