I want commas

Which part? I say Macklemore was being racist or at least racial because of his over simplification and his critique of black culture which does not hold up under scrutiny and his shaming of the black community is the same stuff that happened after Prop 8 happened in 2008. He takes the easy target, comes at it from an

It's a slide show. It covers ten artists. Including the maligned above Kanye.

I'm not try to haha, it just seems like he takes it a step further than he should have with that last line.

He has a song called "White Privilege". In it he understands it a little bit but at the same time he's so naive and uninformed. It's also so corny.

Did you mean to come off as racist? Cause you kind of just did.

That final line though. It's so condescending.

I really hate this song. It's not profound, it's actually kinda racist, it's heavy handed, and Macklemore can't rap for shit. He's like the least technically proficient rapper I have heard get main stream success since Vanilla Ice.

And Ryan Lewis probably stole the beat for thrift shop from Le1f. #Equality

And Horatio Sanz did that by… vanishing from existence?

Ann come in here, didn't I sell my tear ducts for $50k and some mayonnaise last year to Newt Gingrich?

Like anyone here knows what that's like! Hi-five me, nerds! Chugs beer and smashes can on forehead

Those assholes should go back to being silent.

I love the Almond Brothers. They do parodies of Allman Brothers' songs rewritten to be about the benefits of almond milk.

Overalls guy. There really isn't another answer.

I'm a big Springsteen fan. I hate the shit out of Santa Claus is Coming to Town.


What happens if I aim for a small child but end up with a large child? Not like teenager but just an extremely large toddler?

Seriously, a C? That slap bet cliff hanger would raise the episode up a grade letter. This was a B+ for me.

The producers probably just forgot that Chris even existed and forgot to tell him that he won't be back. He'll show up on set and he'll shuffle around in the background in a karate gi. No one will notice him and then he'll ask the director when he's going on and the director will be like "who are you?" And he'll

Did they direct them to the exits with the wii batons? And did the indicators randomly jump from where they were pointing it to off screen?