I want commas

No but the only lines he gets to say are variations of "Slappy dappy doo!"

And then masturbation is okay?

Well good time to teach her about death and how You realize that life goes fast, It's hard to make the good things last, You realize the sun doesn't go down, It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning rounnnnnnd

Haim is amazing. That is such a great band.

Fluoride? Yeah, it's not an easy one.

> left-wing idiots

Reverse vampires? So they give you blood?

Oh two can post youtube videos.

Donna's movie tastes are interesting to say the least. She definitely is a cat though.

They'll try to ban whatever our reptilian overloads have us shill for nex… I've said too much.

Ah Fluoride, as someone who lives in Portland I'm so glad they had Jamm represent the anti-Fluoride voice. I worked on a campaign around the time fluoride was going on the ballot and he perfectly encapsulates the opponents of fluoride.

We'd all be turned away. Cause, you know, canceraids.

Fat Vaughn is worst Vaughn.

And that's how you got stuck with a Cannibal Corpse and Korn-based music collection.

You might as well say "Feels like a infinite depression night."

I always knew that Taco Bell and the Burlington Coat factory would bring down America. But you masturbating bastards wouldn't listen!

What about ginger kids?!?! Don't they get pun names???

Gassy is seventh, followed by twerkalicious.

What? That's a nervous smile.

That's Jews did 911 emergency services. Which is why I contact my cousin Bubba to help me deal with crime and fires. All of which are caused by the illuminati.