I want commas

O'Reilly is way worse but Zinn isn't a good historian. He's actually pretty bad. And being up front with your intentions doesn't mean that your sins can be absolved.

I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with "He's Black." Whoops, I gave the answer away.

Or something about eating him because different cultures attitudes towards what constitutes food is scary.

I'm pretty sure the Timberwolves aren't tanking. Tanking teams are the Celtics, Jazz, Lakers (sorta), 76ers (failing at it so far), Suns (also failing). The Nuggets, Bucks, Hawks, Raptors, and Bobcats are trying to win but are failing to.

I never said he was bad. He's just an incredibly dumb selection by an incredibly dumb GM. He isn't fast enough to play the 3 and can't create as a 4 but he also isn't anywhere as good as Kevin Love and Kevin Love can't play the 5 cause of defense and height so he's screwed. I do believe that Enes Kanter was still on

No where does it say you have to be a woman to buy the tickets.

Only to see your team select Derrick Williams.

David Kahn just traded away the black day for a white day.

It's against the celtics. There isn't really a chance of them losing.


We don't need to see Benedict Cumberbatch and his rat face anymore than we already do. Please stop asking for him to be in things.

You just want a picture of vaginas.

She is literally my perfect woman.

Holywood video had a good selection but they were managed very poorly.

Those children would be doomed.


No, I will not hear this. I have heard it before and that was more than enough.

Never watched The Wire, huh?

Of course they do, Nic Cage needs about that much a week to buy more weird shit.

Shhh, bitch don't kill my vibe.