I want commas

No dancing is usually involved at the start of the thing. It usually comes in at the end. You should check back in on that story.

We can like comments on here now? This can't end well.

Unless you really like irony, in which case it's the best type of fuck music.

Welcome to the Terror Dome-Public Enemy

And sparks come out your genitals?

That's one thing, the other thing is Gonzo.

Obviously with her vagina knife.

This deserves the Biggest Reddest NO of them all.

Wouldn't that be Cobb?

Ugh, fuck off NFL.

<snarkless> He was actually really good in his guest spot on Nurse Jackie.

Ah I see disqus is still completely broken. Awesome.

Well they just added D'Angelo Barksdale so… he's fucked.

"Videos of ass destruction"

"Glee club… why do I talk…"

But she isn't in the chess club. Maybe in the mosquito bites club.

He's a black guy on the Walking Dead, he's not long for that world.

That header picture is what happens when you realize your soul has been crushed.

Has no one on here liked anyone else's comments yet or is disqus being shitty again? Because if no one has like anyone else's comments then that would just be weird and like something that the gang would do.

Those things are thicker and wolves are stronger.