I want commas

The wolf would tear right through the jacket.

@avclub-6850dfd7cf5a46634b94c8c1f07e7340:disqus Nah, Dads is the Jimmer Fredette of the NBA. You can see how it could be good but there are just so many problems that are it's own fault that you doubt that it will ever be good.

- Things that aren't said in rural Virginia for 100, Alex.

Because people on twitter are mouth breathers. No offense to all of you mouth breathers on here.

Guy from Freaks and Geeks: "Bones, take a look a this."

So close; but so far.

Goddamn it, I had completely forgot that 2 Broke Girls existed…

It's the Nicolas Batum of sitcoms.

I'm pretty sure Elizabeth is gone by the next episode. She's only listed in 5 (I think) episodes and I think she's been in 4 so far.

Un buen punto

>Diamond also allegedly told Pellegrini that he had a “fat cock” and that “he’d like to fuck her.”

RIP Ass Dan

Yeah, how dare they try to make movies without the studio system being involved. Damn them both for wanting to keep their artistic vision!

Great, Chris Hansen is probably going to show up here in a few minutes now.

Anyone else get a spanish pringle's ad before the Costello video played?

Alison Williams was great.

They were fake bad reviews but yeah, that was a pretty funny promo.

In Latin…

@avclub-9802e9f46fa34faab35e567f12cd5608:disqus I think you're overestimating the competence of the CW.