I want commas

Well let's see.

farewell and adieu to you fair spanish ladies, farewell and ado to you ladies of spain

… mr. f…

This is a bit, right?

@avclub-4f18f486a356810b3ef8008243bcba7a:disqus is salty.

…Dick sheath?

Tin Cups?

That Ron Shelton, he's a really gym rat. A really high motor. A future coach.

Sometimes dead is bettah.

Haha that's a great story @avclub-3c6dfb3da240d50534add0b863afe0ab:disqus .

He is particularly vitriolic towards Muslims though. And he uses damn confirmation bias for everything.

But he turned into a complete bigot towards Muslims. That does not make him better.

Ed Asner and Martin Sheen didn't perform the Fusion Dance because they are still two separate people.

Ah… so they all transformed for the worse. Except for Oliver Stone who stepped sideways.


>Oh, what a nice bubble they must live in.

A 200 year moratorium on Ben Affleck playing a superhero for the next 200 years? You fools! He is immortal! 200 years is nothing to the Aff-leck!

>and just COVERED in dicks

*makes a notch. grins knowingly

And he would still skip Portland.