I want commas

I thought that they were all aliens?

I can't wait for the twist ending where it turns out that Pope Francis is really a time traveling Sandra Bullock.

First pope from the "New World" though.

@avclub-e7be8d8e2b9e28afea9bd38a675cd65b:disqus so pretty much like reddit and friendzoning or reddit and anything that ever involved women ever.

Yay! Give the worst characters outside of Bill, Sam, and Tara a spin off!

Tumblr is full of them.

Yeah, who doesn't want dome?

But then it got injured, couldn't keep up, and got into drugs, but it kept hanging out with it's old friends even though they now have nothing in common and it act selfish and it keeps stealing from it's old friends and starts screaming "WILDCARD!"

Fucking Jeff. Always the worst.

They're all dicks now.

Cutting to the core aren't you, E. Buzz?

The more I see Dominic Monaghan the more I dislike him.

Oh, so your mom was the inspiration behind /r/spaceclop. Congrats!

And the Joos. Can't forget that reddit hates Jewish people.

I once played a Joan of Arc card for a category of Phonies or something like that. Did not go over well with the religious people I was playing with.

Pudgy and white with a bad hair cut and acne?

Racism too! And fleshlights. And conspiracy theories.

Sidney Poitier watches from a far as all of his rivals kill each other off and cracks a smile.

Just take some sand paper to the edges of your cubed testicles. It will round out eventually.