I want commas

>he did that one thing.

Really? No one made a "He blue himself prematurely" joke?

I only one successful relationship away from being the greatest relationship columnist ever! @don Staples

I was nowhere near the roller coaster! I was buying her funnel cake! And poisoning that!


People either complain about fictional female characters or tell you about how they masturbate to My Little Pony. Pick your poison.

Lol give me a challenge at least.

I thought it was the /r/askreddit thread where they asked rapists about their stories, or when they were constantly racist for their entire existence, or that whole violentacrez thing, or their anti-semitism, or when they threatened a guys life over a jeep from jurassic park, or when they did the same thing when a guy

I've had that! Dehydration that is! Not from sex! But from crying too much…

It's not getting anyone interested in learning though. It's getting them to swallow pop-science. It's doesn't inspire people to learn more or to create, it just is easy to digest factoids. It's instant gratification. It's the candy of the science world.

It's not even fucking science or even fucking-science! It's just memes and macros and other shit for 14 year olds and the "Le facebook scientists", I'm being redundant, to gobble up.

Getting slapped in the face repeatedly is better than Relapse.

I saw a guy skyjacking it on a plane once. The air marshal had to detain him and now he's registered as a sex offender.

And some of us have to cry and masturbate to Sears catalogs in peace!

"We've got a bucket of nose clams, fresh from the sea. Sweet delicious nose clams that are looking for a home if you follow me. "

And that kids is how I got herpes!

NSFPWD: Not Safe for People with Depression.

Who is this new writer August 23, 2013? I greatly enjoy their work

…and what? You can't post something so thought provoking and leave us hanging like that!

The AV Club